Sunday, 10 July 2016

Informatica CDC logic implementation using MD5 Function

In SCD type-1  mappings, most of the time there is no change in source records but still we do blind updates to target table based on the key columns.

For Instance,

Source table A:

This increases overall execution time as the table size grows. This will eventually degrade your session performance.

Workarounds: -

We can identify changed data records from source and mark only those records for updates where we really have change in records.
This is called Change Data Capture.

In Informatica, We can use MD5() function to implement change data capture.
MD5 function will calculate 32-character hexadecimal code for each record. This will be stored in target table column.

If MD5 value for Source record is different from Target MD5 value
           Then it will be marked for update
 Else Skip the record as there is no change in record.

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